git - how to rebase over a rebased branch, stacked branches
Profile Vue CLI Service Build (actually webpack build)
Vue CLI Service Build Out of Memory Error
Tmux: how to run the same command in multiple panes
Touch Typing: Spacebar and Thumbs
Testing FastAPI CORS settings
Google Colab notebook - input and output, OpenAI TTS API
Elastic Beanstalk - how to configure access to the external RDS database
node - localhost connection error ECONNREFUSED ::1:4723 in node 17 and node 18
bash - how to run command in a loop until it fails
docker - check image size and see what takes space
How to inspect extension `` in Chrome DevTools
git - use kdiff3 as a diff/merge tool
How to format large JSON file in command line
git - cherry-pick a range of commits
git - how to move files with history to another repository
git - show number of commits by author
git - update commit message
Mitosis Keyboard First Impressions
Oculus Quest for Work: First Impressions
Vue.js Cli: How to Use Multiple vue.config.js Configs
Touch Typing Tutors and Games
AWS Config - Unexpected Charges and Data Analysis
Git Hook to Add Issue Number to Commit Message
Multi-Origin CloudFront Setup to Route Requests to Services Based on Request Path
Managing NPM packages on github
Recording Linux Terminal Session to GIF with asciinema
Debugging Python with ipdb and pdbpp
Formatting Parameter Blocks in Python
Disqus - code formatting and highlighting in comments
There Is No Callback Hell In JavaScript
SSH Tunnels (How to Access AWS RDS Locally Without Exposing it to Internet)
AWS error - Default subnet in us-east-1f not found
Simple Git Workflow
Setup Automatic Deployment, Updates and Backups of Multiple Web Applications with Docker on the Scaleway Server
OOP SOLID Principles "L" - Liskov Substitution Principle
AWS PostgreSQL RDS - remaining connection slots are reserved error
How to set up Drone CI on EC2 instance via Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk - how to setup CloudWatch Logs
Elastic Beanstalk - python application server structure and celery installation
Local Amazon DynamoDB - tools, dump/restore and testing
git - how to revert multiple recent commits
How to keep `git log` and `git diff` output on the screen after exit
Node.js - how to debug mocha test with node inspector
Node.js - how to get core module source
Elastic Beanstalk - cron command and RDS DB access
Elastic Beanstalk - deploy from different machines / by different users (or how to get rid of absolute paths in configs)
How to setup git server on ubuntu with push email notifications
JS libraties for charts (links)
Angular.js and SEO - pre-render content on the server
git - find not merged branches
git - viewing changes - diff and log
git - find all branches where file was changed
git - Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit after pull
git - submodule helpers
git - use vim with fugitive to resolve merge conflicts
git - remove already deleted files
git - rename branch (local and remote)
vim - replace a word with yanked text multiple times
oauth 1.0 notes
git - colored diff, branch, etc output by default
git - your branch and 'origin/xxx' have diverged error
git - checkout and track remote branch