Multi-Origin CloudFront Setup to Route Requests to Services Based on Request Path
AWS CloudFront allows to have multiple origins for the distribution and, along with lambda@edge functions, that makes it possible to use CloudFront as an entry point to route the requests to different services based on the request path.
For example:
- -> (landing pages)
- -> single page app hosted on S3
- -> wordpress blog
CloudFront Setup Structure
CloudFront distribution is an entry point which we assign a root domain name (
The distribution can have one or more origins (these are the our services - landing page, S3 app, wordpress, etc).
And each origins has behaviors - rules defining how CloudFront will work for the specific request path:
- Allowed protocols (HTTP, HTTPS) and HTTP methods
- Caching settings
- Lambda@Edge functions to add custom logic to the request or response processing.
For example, we can have a distribution for a single-page app hosted on S3 (origin is S3 bucket) with one behavior defining caching rules.
Or we can have a distribution for a wordpress site with one origin (wordpress server) and several behaviors defining caching rules for static and dynamic content.
In a simple case that is enough: if we have multiple services (single-page app and wordpress blog), we can create separate distributions for them and use different sub-domains to route the requests (
But it is also possible to merge different services under the same distribution and same domain name (
) - this is the multi-origin setup
described below.
Multi-Origin CloudFront Setup
If we want to have a single domain name used for all services (frontend app, landing pages, wordpress blog, etc), we can achieve that with CloudFront by having multiple origins for each service and multiple behaviors to specify which request paths should be forwarded to these origins.
The example setup for this post includes following origins:
->, landing
-> single-page application, S3
-> wordpress running on ElasticBeanstalk (origin points to Elastic Load Balancer)
And behaviors for our distribution will route requests to different origins based on the request path:
-> S3 origin,
-> wordpress origin,wordpress-elb
, no cachingblog/wp-admin/*
-> wordpress origin,wordpress-elb
, no cachingblog/wp-content/upload
, origin:wordpress-elb
-> unbounce origin,
The app*
behavior serves the single-page application from the S3 origin.
The app is accessible from the sub-path (
) and should be placed in the sub-folder on S3 (the sub-path is preserved in the request to origin).
In the case of single page web application, there is a single entry point, usually index.html
that is loaded on first request and further navigation accross app pages is handled by application code in browser.
To implement this logic in CloudFront
, we use Lambda@Edge functions attached to origin request and response events:
- Origin Request: CloudFrontSubdirectoryIndex - handles root requests (
) and forwards them toindex.html
- Origin Response: CloudFrontDefaultIndexForOrigin - catches 404 / 403 requests (
) and forwards them toindex.html
In general, this setup is flexible enough to handle various use cases.
Advantages of CloudFront for routing are:
- The distributed solution, which is very fast for end users
- No need in single entry point component for app services, requests are routed by CloudFront
- All services are under the same subdomain, so we avoid additional CORS complexity
More details about the setup for specific services and lambda functions code are below.
Single Page App Setup
The single page app setup is quite simple with CloudFront: the app source is copied to S3 bucket and then served via CloudFront (the origin is S3 bucket, with one default behavior).
Here is an example shell script to deploy the SPA application to S3 (which also sends Slack notification about the deployment):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
GIT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
if [[ $APP_ENV == "develop" ]]; then
elif [[ $APP_ENV == "production" ]]; then
echo "Unknown environment ${APP_ENV}"
exit 1
echo "Deploying ${GIT_BRANCH} to ${AWS_BUCKET} with options ${AWS_CLI_OPTS}"
aws s3 sync --delete dist/ s3://${AWS_BUCKET}/app/ ${AWS_CLI_OPTS}
# Invalidate app on CloudFront
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION} --paths /app/* ${AWS_CLI_OPTS}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'Deployment: OK'
curl -s -X POST $SLACK_HOOK \
-H "content-type:application/json" \
-d '{"text":"[frontend] Branch `'"${GIT_BRANCH}"'` was successfully deployed to `'"${AWS_BUCKET}"'` bucket."}'
echo 'Deployment: FAILED'
exit $?
curl -s -X POST $SLACK_HOOK \
-H "content-type:application/json" \
-d '{"text":"[frontend] Branch `'"${GIT_BRANCH}"'` deployment to `'"${AWS_BUCKET}"'` bucket FAILED."}'
I’ve used similar setup for Angular and Vue applications, it should work well for other frameworks too.
In a single-origin setup (no other services, and the distribution only used for single page app), it is also useful to:
- Set default object for distribution to
- Add 404 and 403 error handlers for distribution and reply 200 OK and with
(so all requests are sent to the single page app even if there are no real files on S3)
Unfortunately, these settings are on the distribution level, but in multi-origin setup we would need them for behaviors represeting specific request paths.
For example, we need to redirect requests to index.html
, but not for
In a multi-origin setup this logic is handled by Lambda@Edge functions: CloudFrontSubdirectoryIndex and CloudFrontDefaultIndexForOrigin
WordPress Setup
WordPress can be installed on a standalone EC2 instance, hosted externally or launched using ElasticBeanstalk, in any case the CloudFront setup will be similar:
- One origin that points to the wordpress server (
in my case, ElasticBeanstalk load balancer) - Several behaviors define caching rules for the static and dynamic content:
-> wordpress origin,wordpress-elb
, no cachingblog/wp-admin/*
-> wordpress origin,wordpress-elb
, no cachingblog/wp-content/upload
, origin:wordpress-elb
Here we forward requests to /wp-login.php
and wp-admin/*
without caching.
WordPress media files are hosted on S3 (for example, using WP Media Offload plugin) and other requests also go to the load balancer, but with caching enabled.
For the blog*
behaviors we also have the CloudFrontRedirectToTrailingSlash lambda function attached to the “Viewer Request” event that forwards
requests to
Here are some useful resources describing the WordPress setup options on AWS:
- Deploying WordPresswith AWS Elastic Beanstalk (PDF)
- How to accelerate your WordPress site with Amazon CloudFront:
- How to accelerate your WordPress site with Amazon CloudFront | AWS Startups Blog:
- Hosting WordPress on AWS:
Elastic Beanstalk Setup for PHP App
The whole wordpress setup (along with the wordpress code and plugins) is added to the git repository and deployed to ElasticBeanstalk as php application.
The (standard) Elastic Beanstalk setup for php is a set of configurations and scripts that automatically deploys and runs the application on the EC2 instance:
- The app is deployed to
and handled by apache - Apache logs are under
(logs are also sent to CloudWatch) - System log is
Note: along with the application code it is useful to also deploy .git
folder (don’t add it to .ebignore
), so git status
on the server inside the /var/www/html
will show if there are any modifications done directly on the server by wordpress or plugins.
Wordpress plugins often modify local files, so it is useful to check the behavior periodically (especially after installing some plugins or doing configuration changes) to see if there is something that needs to be saved to repostiory. This is useful to check if there are any local changes to the files after changing wordpress settings (if there are changes, we need to copy them back to local machine, commit to git and redeploy).
Unbounce Setup is a service for landing pages and there are two (official) ways to use it: point CNAME (such as
) to or use a wordpress plugin - in this case the “Host” header should contain the domain name (
We can use the latter to make unbounce work with CloudFront: we setup the
domain to point to CloudFront and we configure CloudFront to forward the Host
header to unbounce.
This is how unbounce and CloudFront can be configured to work together:
- Add
domain on - Get the unbounce URL, like
- In DNS settings, point
- Wait until unbounce shows “Working and Secure” for the domain
- Edit (or create) CloudFront distribution, set alternative domain to
(or see, there is also a method based on lambda function) - Create the CloudFront origin, point it to unbounce URL (
) - Create default behavior
for the origin above, disable caching (set “Cache Based on Selected Request Headers” to “All”) - Change DNS settings, point
subdomain to CloudFront distribution (
) - replace the unbounce domain with CloudFront domain - Wait for DNS changes to propagate, now the
root URL should point to CloudFront
So we first point CNAME to, wait until unbounce thinks that everything is good and then reconfigure the CNAME to point to CloudFront (and CloudFront forwards the custom domain name via Host header).
Lambda Code: CloudFrontDefaultIndexForOrigin
This is the function to handle index documents in subfolders.
For multi-origin setup, we use CloudFront distribution to route the requests to multiple origins depending on the request path.
In this case the application on S3 also needs to be in the sub-folder (my-bucket/app
And it means that we lose the ability to redirect failing requests to index.html
(this only works in the root folder), so if we go to the url
, it will end up with a 404 error.
In a single-origin CloudFront distribution this issue can be solved by setting the default object for the distribution to index.html
and also adding “Error pages” for 404 and 403 that would also point to index.html
For a “mutli-origin” setup a solution is to add lambda@edge function for the “Origin Response” event and replace 403 / 404 errors with index.html
The Lambda function code (source) looks like this:
'use strict';
// Source -
const http = require('https');
const indexPage = 'index.html';
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
const cf = event.Records[0].cf;
const request = cf.request;
const response = cf.response;
const statusCode = response.status;
// Only replace 403 and 404 requests typically received
// when loading a page for a SPA that uses client-side routing
const doReplace = request.method === 'GET'
&& (statusCode == '403' || statusCode == '404');
const result = doReplace
? await generateResponseAndLog(cf, request, indexPage, response)
: response;
callback(null, result);
async function generateResponseAndLog(cf, request, indexPage, originalResponse){
const domain = cf.config.distributionDomainName;
const appPath = getAppPath(request.uri);
const indexPath = `/${appPath}/${indexPage}`;
const response = await generateResponse(domain, indexPath, request, originalResponse);
// console.log('response: ' + JSON.stringify(response));
return response;
async function generateResponse(domain, path, request, originalResponse){
try {
// Load HTML index from the CloudFront cache
const s3Response = await httpGet({ hostname: domain, path: path });
const headers = s3Response.headers ||
'content-type': [{ value: 'text/html;charset=UTF-8' }]
const responseHeaders = wrapAndFilterHeaders(headers, originalResponse.headers || {})
// Debug headers to see the original requested URL vs the index file request.
// responseHeaders['x-lambda-request-uri'] = [{value: request.uri}]
// responseHeaders['x-lambda-hostname'] = [{value: domain}]
// responseHeaders['x-lambda-path'] = [{value: path}]
// responseHeaders['x-lambda-response-status'] = [{value: String(s3Response.status)}]
return {
status: '200',
headers: responseHeaders,
body: s3Response.body
} catch (error) {
return {
status: '500',
'content-type': [{ value: 'text/plain' }]
body: 'An error occurred loading the page'
function httpGet(params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
http.get(params, (resp) => {
console.log(`Fetching ${params.hostname}${params.path}, status code : ${resp.statusCode}`);
let result = {
status: resp.statusCode,
headers: resp.headers,
body: ''
resp.on('data', (chunk) => { result.body += chunk; });
resp.on('end', () => { resolve(result); });
}).on('error', (err) => {
console.log(`Couldn't fetch ${params.hostname}${params.path} : ${err.message}`);
reject(err, null);
// Get the app path segment e.g., employers.client etc
function getAppPath(path){
return '';
if(path[0] === '/'){
path = path.slice(1);
const segments = path.split('/');
// will always have at least one segment (may be empty)
return segments[0];
// Cloudfront requires header values to be wrapped in an array
function wrapAndFilterHeaders(headers, originalHeaders){
const allowedHeaders = [
const responseHeaders = originalHeaders;
return responseHeaders;
for(var propName in headers) {
// only include allowed headers
var header = headers[propName];
if (Array.isArray(header)){
// assume already 'wrapped' format
responseHeaders[propName] = header;
} else {
// fix to required format
responseHeaders[propName] = [{ value: header }];
return responseHeaders;
Lambda Code: CloudFrontRedirectToTrailingSlash
This function is used for wordpress setup to redirect
requests to
(add trailing slash which triggers index.php loading from the folder).
The Lambda function code (source):
const path = require('path');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const { request } = event.Records[0].cf;
const { uri } = request;
const extension = path.extname(uri);
if (extension && extension.length > 0) {
return request;
const last_character = uri.slice(-1);
if (last_character === "/") {
return request;
const newUri = `${uri}/`;
console.log(`Rewriting ${uri} to ${newUri}...`);
request.uri = newUri;
return request;
The function is attached to “Viewer Request” event.
Lambda Code: CloudFrontSubdirectoryIndex
This function is attached to the “Origin Request” event and it handles requests like
(with trailing slash at the end).
By default this request returns 200 OK
with application/x-directory
content type and empty body.
The Lambda function adds index.html
to these requests (so the request becomes
The lambda function code (source):
'use strict';
// Source:
// Handles requests like (with trailing slash) and adds index.html to them
// By default this request returns 200 OK with application/x-directory content type
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Extract the request from the CloudFront event that is sent to Lambda@Edge
var request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
// Extract the URI from the request
var olduri = request.uri;
// Match any '/' that occurs at the end of a URI. Replace it with a default index
var newuri = olduri.replace(/\/$/, '\/index.html');
// Log the URI as received by CloudFront and the new URI to be used to fetch from origin
console.log("Old URI: " + olduri);
console.log("New URI: " + newuri);
// Replace the received URI with the URI that includes the index page
request.uri = newuri;
// Return to CloudFront
return callback(null, request);
Lambda Code: CloudFrontRedirectApp
This function can be useful to transfer the application from single-origin setup to multi-rigin.
In this case, the
requests should be forwared to
Note: in the next section there is another solution for the same problem, based on S3 static website hosting feature.
With Lambda function, the redirect can be done by attaching a function to the old CloudFront distribution behavior, the “Viewer Request” event:
const path = require('path');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const { request } = event.Records[0].cf;
const { uri } = request;
const newUri = `${uri}`;
console.log(`Rewriting ${uri} to ${newUri}...`);
let responseHeaders = {
location: [{
key: 'Location',
value: newUri,
// Debug headers to see the original requested URL vs the index file request.
responseHeaders['x-lambda-request-uri'] = [{value: request.uri}]
responseHeaders['x-lambda-redirect-url'] = [{value: newUri}]
* Generate HTTP redirect response with 302 status code and Location header.
const response = {
status: '302',
statusDescription: 'Found',
headers: responseHeaders,
return response;
Another Way to Redirect Requests to the new Location with S3 Static Website
This is another solution to the problem described above: redirect requests from the old location (such as
to new
This method is described in AWS docs.
The initial setup is this:
- The
points to S3 bucket (root), there is CloudFront distribution using it as origin - The
points to S3 bucket (/app
subfolder), there is (another) CloudFront distribution using it as origin
The redirect can be configured like this:
- Create S3 bucket
(can be empty) - Enable static website hosting for this bucket
- Select “Redirect requests” option
- Set “Target bucket or domain” to
- Set “Protocol” to
- Copy public URL for the bucket (
- Edit the CloudFront distribution for
, change origin source to public URL for the new bucket
Now all requests to
should be redirected to
