Managing NPM packages on github

Sometimes it is simpler to keep the package on github, for example, if you have a fork of a published package with some private changes. So you can avoid cluttering npm registry with similar packages, creating confusing for other people.

NPM supports installing dependencies from github, but it is also good to have versioning for your package so you can use it exactly as other packages, develop it independently and upgrade the dependency for the main project in a controlled way.


Add build branch to keep the last published version of the package:

git checkout -b build
git push -u origin HEAD

The build branch can include some files that are normally excluded from git control, for example, results of the webpack build.


The workflow I use is this:

  • Do the changes as usually, create branches / Pull Requests, merge them to master
  • Prepare release:
    • Checkout build branch: git checkout build
    • Merge master into it git merge master
    • Run commands to generate build (if any), like npm run build
    • Add build files to git: git add buiid/. and git commit -m "Rebuild"
  • Push changes: git push origin HEAD
  • Tag the new release git tag 3.1.1 -a, the -a flag means annotated tag, git will also ask for description
    • Add the list of changes to annotation (I mostly use titles of pull requests along with PR id, like “Fix search, #19”, the PR id will turn into a link in github UI
  • Push the tags: git push origin --tags

Note: don’t forget about semver, basically: increase last number for fixes, second for new features, first for breaking changes.

Now, the new release will appear on github under “releases”, for example

Use the Package

Include package from github, in package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "emoji-mart-vue": "github:serebrov/emoji-mart-vue#3.1.1",

Note that we specify the tag (#3.1.1 in the example above), so we can work on the package and release new versions (create new tags) and update the package version used by the main project when we want / need that.

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