AWS error - Default subnet in us-east-1f not found

I suddenly started getting the Default subnet in us-east-1f not found error during the ElasticBeanstalk environment update.

Failed to deploy application.
Updating load balancer named: awseb-e-t-AWSEBLoa-XXXXXXXXXXXXX failed Reason: Default subnet not found in us-east-1f
Service:AmazonCloudFormation, Message:Stack named 'awseb-e-xxxxxxxxxx-stack' aborted operation.
Reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [AWSEBUpdateWaitConditionHandleralanC].
The following resource(s) failed to update: [AWSEBLoadBalancer].

And the similar one when trying to create the new environment:

Creating load balancer failed Reason: Default subnet in us-east-1f not found
Created CloudWatch alarm named: awseb-e-tet63me2mx-stack-AWSEBCWLAllErrorsCountAlarm-3XCPMJ1ZGJ18
Stack named 'awseb-e-tet63me2mx-stack' aborted operation.
Current state: 'CREATE_FAILED'
Reason: The following resource(s) failed to create: [AWSEBLoadBalancer].

The reason seems to be that new us-east-1f availablity zone was added, but the subnet for it wasn’t configured (not sure why and if it supposed to be configured automatically).

The solution is to create the subnet manually:

  • Open VPC - Subnets
  • Click “Create Subnet”
  • Select the “Availability Zone” - us-east-1f
  • It is neccessary to also specify the “IPv4 CIDR block” - in my case I already had 5 subnets with IP blocks:
  • I specified the next block -

ElasticBeanstalk updates started working after that.

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